Turn Huh? to Aha! and Build Lasting Math Insight

Hi Kalid.

I’d like to purchase your book. But the problem is I live in Iran – the country is sanctioned and people don’t use international bank accounts or major credit cards.

Any thoughts? please help!


excellcnt book.please include the image and expla in the topic means very quicly understand.

@Mehran: Thanks for the comment – let me email you privately to work it out.

@ruckmani: Thank you – yep, the images and slides are included in the premium version.

Good stuff, but I’m still a little hazy as to how the value of e is determined. I can readily the realtionship between c and D to reach pi, but the e value eludes me.

@Patrick: e appears as we compound 100% interest more and more – check out http://betterexplained.com/articles/an-intuitive-guide-to-exponential-functions-e/ for a table showing how we get the actual value.


I’ve been to your website numerous times, and was delighted to see you’ve finally created an ebook. I bought it immediately. Thank you so much for your insights; you’ve shown how beautiful math is.

@Marty: Thank you for the kind words and the support! :slight_smile:

Want to warn people who want to buy the book for it’s “calculus” content. There is not much in it about calculus per se. There is more of a consideration that calculus is taught in a technical way rather than using intuition. I’ve bought this book for calculus only and was a bit dissapointed as I already know the other things.

Hi Olya, I’m sorry about the confusion, I should make the table of contents more clear (there is only 1 chapter on calculus in this ebook, I plan on making another dedicated to it). I’ve issued a refund, let me know if you have any issues!

i just came across you site accidently. but this a woderful site. really i enjoyed the complex no explanation. the only constraint to buy this book is the cost. but never mine i would buy it

@manim: Thank you for the note! Glad you enjoyed the complex number article, that’s one of my favorites :).

Does the e-book have more content than the blog posts on this website?

@Karina: The standard ebook has the content from the blog posts (along with a foreward/afterward), organized and interlinked for a more “book” feel (i.e., organized to reference other chapters, linked table of contents, etc). The premium version includes the original PowerPoint slides & images. Hope this helps!


I want to purchase ebook , but there are three version , i am confused which to buy , is there hard copy too of this book Math, BetterExplained

@Ashok: Hi! I don’t have a hardcopy of the ebook yet, but I would like to in the near future. The standard ebook is good for most people; the premium is nice if you are a teacher or parent and want to make diagrams of your own, based on the ones in the book. The screencast version has video walkthroughs, and can help reinforce the concepts, especially if you prefer audio/visual in addition to reading. Hope this helps!

please provide the book free

its good but prices to high

@tanmoy, abhinav: Thanks for the feedback – there are many free articles on the website, but a lot of effort went into professionally producing the ebook :). I am working on a Kindle-only version to be released very soon, which will be less expensive. Everyone who buys or has bought the PDF version will be emailed a free copy of the Kindle one too.

I am currently editing a multiple-authored technical book, and just received a chapter on an advanced statistical technique. Unfortunately, I found the chapter totally incomprehensible, and I had even hand-picked this author in the hopes that he would finally be the one to explain it clearly.

In my note back asking for a rewrite, I said, “I’ve always felt that anything worth knowing should be understandable to anyone who is scientifically literate. I always try to put myself in the mind of my typical master’s student, who has a BS in biology and solid but not spectacular GREs.”

Worried that this was maybe too radical or unrealistic of a view, I stumbled onto this site. I look forward to reading more in the days ahead.

Hi Kalid

Great website. Your approach has really helped me with intuition – I thought I already knew this math, but your insights have really made me feel I own it. Thx.

Today, I decided to buy the book etc to support your work. Are you planning on a new rev of the book in the near future?