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Hi all! I'm starting an email list for BetterExplained readers and everyone interested in deep, intuitive learning. Sign up with the form below or click here to sign up.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Your articles are excellent “maps” and a great tool. I’m sharing them with others who can benefit, and plan on following your map concept to document a training process I’m currently working on.

Thank you so much for sharing your insight!

@Syed: You’re welcome!

@Kim: Thanks so much, glad it’s coming in handy!

Just now signed up for email newsletter after reading about complex numbers … Great work Kalid… Last but not the least … Thank You!!

@James That’s exactly what came to my mind when I heard about this. You can always CC* everyone when replying with something interesting to the e-mails, but not everyone will/can do that and the conversation/flow will get pretty fragmented and confusing (even ‘Conversation View’ won’t be of much help in this case).

@Kalid aha.betterexplained is pretty good in implementation and great in concept, but it’d be really nice if we had something more, StackExchange style. Why not create a site dedicated to this concept? If you don’t want seperate hosting and urls, you can implement something like what Udacity did with its forums.

Kalid, speaking of the medium shaping the message, I suggest making the articles into videos - that’ll branch out into an untapped audience.

@James: Thanks for the feedback! I plan to put a lot of the email content on (as an open forum), so it’ll be a way to discuss it publicly too :). I think the email list is a way to kick-start the conversation.

Also, I’ll have the emails I send out archived in a public place.

@Jay: Great point. I’ve started a youtube channel ( which I plan to add to over time. Thanks!

It seems that going to email will limit who interacts and who learns from these interactions. I would suggest a message forum to allow short messages while being open for others to view.

Simply awesome… :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Great… extraordinary work…
Thank you so much for all your posts…
Keep rocking

Thanks Waldo! Appreciate the topic suggestions, I plan on covering a variety of math :).

Math. Like Algebra, Precalculus, & calculus

I am reading your Calculus: Building Intuition for the Derivative & just signed up for your Email.


@Sethupathy: Thanks for the encouragement!

Kalid -

I love this original post about “intuition learning” but see it was awhile back. Does that mean I still can follow the archived course?

What is especially “intuitively” resonant to me, as a 30+ year teacher who matches your teaching/learning preferences and have used them all my career despite “pushback”, is seeing the “global” (connected-whole) fuzzy picture first, then filling in the details and the connections to the rest as interest dictates. This not only seems to work much better than the fractured/chopped up pieces we teach/test now at elementary grades especially, but is actually how the brain prefers to learn as shown by increasing new educational neuroscience – the “global” right brain grasping the whole picture and context, the left focusing in the details that sparkle like diamonds in the Right’s perception, based on what is of most intuitive interest to your own understanding.

I just loved this explanation – and will use it in my work. But have I missed out on the calculus class? Thank you deeply for this, regardless! :slight_smile:

Please don’t switch primarily to videos. I find them so much less efficient than a text where I can skim, read carefully, pause to think, or reread at my own pace. It also takes a lot of work to produce a good video that doesn’t waste a lot of time hemming and hawing.

Sometimes there are intuitions that are really best conveyed in video form, but then videos can be used judiciously to convey those specific points, not as a default means of delivery.

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@Elizabeth: Don’t worry, videos will always be a supplement :). I completely agree, I think text is a better medium for the primary content, and videos for supplements/further explanations. You can see an example of this mix here:

When you’re trying to work through an idea, I prefer to read it (at my own pace), ruminate, and continue. Videos are a bit of a force-march (technically, you can pause/unpause, but it’s not as seamless as resting your eyes!).

@June: Nope, the calculus class will be starting in early August 2013. After getting some feedback from a set of readers, I’ll be posting it online.

Dear Khalid, I have 1) sample and 2) some fixed mean (normal hemoglobin mean; but I don’t know normal SD or SE! only mean ). What criteria can I use to estimate difference between sample mean and my known fixed mean? Thanks in advance, Ted

Complex topic lucidly presented. Great service to many. Good.

thank ma am encouraged