Learn Difficult Concepts with the ADEPT Method

Thanks Eric! I have a few projects underway to help make the site more collaborative – stay tuned :).

Dear Kalid,

You are doing a great job by making difficult to understand subjects intuitive and colorful. I wish my professors had done this.

Spending adept like methods to learn the interesting subjects in college days, took the time away from understanding the complex ones. Reading your articles give the joy of understanding some of those missed out subjects (curl, dot product). You have presented them in the most simple and lucid way.

Thanks a lot !!!


what’s your idea about speed reading , using right side of the brain to activate visualize mind and Quantum speed reading ( QSR) .
and about improvement of our concentration . I believe this matter is your interest . please let me know more about your valuable idea
Best Wishes

Hi Khalid
would you answer my question that I asked you before .
How can you get this ability to talk about science concept in easy way.
and what’s your degree and how can you know this method in the first ?

Hi Hasan, it looks like you were able to sign up to the newsletter on the homepage. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for coming up with this wonderful concept of ADEPT. I also like to thank you for recommending the ‘Learning about learning’ course. It is very useful course and I am learning and enjoying it a lot.

Hi Dear Khalid
I like your Website and sometimes I read this amazing material that you write.
what’s your course I mean which study do you have in the university and how can you explain in easy way difficult subject ?
would you send me mail about your new post ( article) that you write in future.

I just have one thing to say : Thank You!

Dear Khalid
I like your website and I read some of pages everyday. My name is Hasan and I like to buy your book but here there is no credit card to do that. would you help me to prepare your book? ( you are one of my favorite personality , in fact I like Feynman and you in my science life)
Hasan Bahrami , one of your friends

@Hasan: Thanks for the note! Yes, just email me [kalid@betterexplained.com] and we can work something out.

@Felipe: Thank you!

You overlook one --the sense of the word --onomatopea [i can’t spell but Google will correct you.]

You Sir, are a legend!! If I could convert your entire site to a gigantic textbook and read it, I’ll be the next Pythagoras. I love Math but struggle grasping it; this changes everything. You’ll definitely make heaven :smiley: