Intermediate Rails: Understanding Models, Views and Controllers

@Tommy: Awesome, thanks!

Thank you for taking your time to decrypt and consolidate such a great guide!

[…] Ruby On Rails: A popular Ruby web-framework […]

@SJD: Glad it was useful!

Thanks so much for this article. Your write ups have been invaluable to me as I learn ruby and rails for the first time. I’m blogging about my learning process and will be sure to direct some of my readers to your content. Thanks and please keep it up!

@Jeff: Thanks, glad it was helpful!

@Dhanu: Glad it helped.

"There’s no mention of a “user” in the statuses table at all. Inside class Status we’d write has_many :users ". If you use has_many :users, can you query to see how many users have a specific status? For example, if we wanted to show “active” users. Just not seeing how this would work if there is no column in the status table for users associated with each status.

Great article. Thanks, helped me a lot.

I have been dying to get an article like this

Hi, I have a counter model with attributes number. I want a button to updated the number with every time its been clicked. Can some one tell how I should approach this problem? Thanks in advance.

@Reinier: You’re welcome!

Good article but somehow not correct. Rails pretends to be MVC but is only MVP. I would correct that in the article. Google for it.

You’re such a wonderful teacher Kalid. Thanks for all the valuable articles you provided!

Thanks Butifanu!

Thanks Cory, glad you enjoyed it!

I absolutely love your description of these different parts as people. Really makes it stick in your mind. I wish I could have read this on my first attempt to grasp MVC.


[…] Ruby On Rails: Một web-framework viết trên Ruby rất thịnh hành. […]

Hi , this is great article .
Just keep up with good work .

Is there any other source for learn Rails in deep ?Or if you can write something about Rake, advance Routing or similar , it would be great ?

Thank you

Great article…I easily understand MVC.

Great work Kalid,keep it up