Build a site you (and your readers) will love


[…] It is all in how you present the information.  There is a wonderful blog that talks about this here.  The summary points though are: […]

The information you presented here is really helpful. Some new bloggers forget that they are not writing to themselves but to others! That is really the big secret to blogging: keep readers interested and add value!

I stumbled upon your blog with these keywords in Google: “divergence calculus explanation simple” and I think after a few read, I’m going to make myself at home here most of my spare time at work. My hear-tearing moments dissolved in laughter over your examples and they really make me understand the concept more. You’re right… textbooks don’t care if we can ‘see’ all these equations physically. They just pile up equation after equation on you… most times with different symbols that mean the same thing.

Thank you very much for sharing your ‘a-ha’ experiences in writing form with us. I really appreciate it…

@Asa: Thank you!

@Umi: Awesome, really glad it was able to help! You’re more than welcome :).

Hi Khalid,

The more I read your articles,more addicted I get to your blog.You have in a way saved my electrical degree. :slight_smile: Thank you

Sorry I mean Kalid.

@Karan: Awesome, glad the site was helpful :).

I am interested in writing but not instructions as maths or programming. I am not sure whether it is only for the technocrates or people like me, who is very much zero at technical fields. I am a Journaism student N I like writing blogs N I came across your webpage Kalid, and got stuck here.
I was reading N understood it has more to do with mathematics and synonomous things only. Can u please recommend me other sites where I can write literature? Any blogging webpages?

Very nice site! I recently made a blog myself too and I am struggling since then with finding a comment widget that works. googles friend connect will not display all comments all the time and another one that I’ve tried did not work properly. Do you have any article about comment forms or any tips?


I have this - I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
–Albert Einstein

on a bookmark and has changed my life

I’ve been reading your articles about math and they fascinate me! They make it clear as to why one would ever use such “hard” and “difficult” math. Once I read your explanations, though, these “hard” and “difficult” topics make sense and instantly become intuitive. Have you ever considered writing math textbooks? I think you could help our education system a great deal.

Keep writing!

This article is good! I’ve been considering starting my own blog, yet afraid that I don’t always have something to write or it’s hard to “pace myself”.

I learn from your article a few tips as shown below:

1,Find the purpose of writing
2,Do not worry about what other people will think of what you write, "write even if people won’t agree with everything you say."
3,Use fewer words to make your article as succinct, clear and well organized as possible.
4,Don’t be afraid to fix up old posts,be merciless when rivising.
5,Just write.

For me the most important tip is the first one and the last one.

@Zleung: Thanks! Yep, the hardest part is just getting started. Don’t worry about what others think, just get your ideas out there :).

@Bryan: Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! As I get more material out I’d love to make a textbook available. I think for me, I enjoy most the process of finding the intuition (formal definitions and working through example problems, etc. are available already!). I really want to think about this more in the future :).

[…] The website gives intuitive explanation on a number of things. Check out the math shortcuts, how to blog, know thyself. Math-o-phobic may find some solace here after reading articles like Permutations and […]

Great post Kalid! Good stuff to think about when considering how to write a blog and what to write about. The one thing I would add to what you have written is to always remember to reference any thing that is not your original thought, photo, or art. Many bloggers forget to do this which is unfortunate because:

  1. As a reader, I might want to know where something originally came from, what the source is.
  2. Well, as a person whose copyrighted photos have appeared on random blogs without my permission and without being credited, it just feels wrong.

I am glad to see you credit your sources ;)! It is so simple to do and most people are flattered and excited that you like their work enough to post it!

…Natural Flow… LOVED your site and your Style … I am your type …wana be like you someday :slight_smile:

I found your website while searching for a keyword on Bayes Theorem. As a gap year high school graduate before enrolling in college, I’ve always wanted to start a blog. I’ve been writing lots of daily journals and found out that I have to write in order to internalize what I’ve learnt from my experiences, books and people, and the act of writing definitely helps me synthesize new insights.

Thanks for the post and links :slight_smile: I’m surely your type and want to be like that! (perhaps by getting in Princeton haha) I will definitely link to you when I start my blog (which should be soon)

Thank you Kalid for your sharing. It’s bad that I couldn’t found out your blog 6 years ago. I started writing just a few months ago and started looking for others blogs that encourages me to keep writing. And I found yours. This article describes almost exactly what I want to write and how I write. That is:

  • I want to write about my experiences that I learned from my works, or from my researches, in a way as simple as possible, so that every one can understand and find that interesting. Like you say, you must be the best at it in order to describe a problem in an intuitive way, especially when your interest is in programming. The good thing is, as you write down the problem and your solution to solve it, it’s making you the expert at that problem.
  • I want to share my thought about personal improvement to help me fight against bad habits like procrastination.

From the inside of me, I know that it’s very hard, sometimes frustrating, but it makes me better at better. And I always love that feeling when I finished an article.