Easy Trig Identities With Euler's Formula


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://betterexplained.com/articles/easy-trig-identities-with-eulers-formula/

@Hitoshi: Thank you! Just fixed those all up :).

Well done again, superbly done.
It gives beginners like me to think intutively about derivative of tan function
Tan is not bounded by circle but it behaves like sine it does not return it shoots to infinity.as distance to wall is always same whole benefit of increasing angle recieved by wall height (no discount) the percentage of increase in wall height is solely dependent on height of ladder hypotenuse.

i didnt understand a word you were saying. make the site better. maybe make it like youtube.com that is a good website.

Nice explanation!

Some typos:
We could plug and chug this. But I’m guessing the result is about:
\displaystyle{\sin(.01 + .02) \sim \sin(.03) \sim .03}
instead of
\displaystyle{\sin(.01 + .02) \sim \sin(.03) ~ .03}
The ~ makes just a small space and I think it should be \sim.

Also please search {sin(dx)}, sin(2a), sin(a-b), and sin(a+a). I think these are all “\sin” instead of just “sin”.

Thanks for the great article!

Nice article . Thanks.



Kindly comment sir, if I am on right track.thank u for such beautiful insight

Hi Aisha, glad you enjoyed it! Yep, tan(x) is similar to sin(x), except it grows without bound (until it crosses 90 degrees). I’d like to do a follow-up on the derivatives of trig functions, but you’re on the right track.