Black Holes

Nice analogy/explanation from a reddit discussion:

“I once saw a great ELI5 on the topic of why everything crushes to infinity that went along these lines:
It takes the same amount of energy to hold something up under gravity as it does to accelerate it the same amount. (eg. if you strapped a rocket to a brick, pointed it up, and it hovered perfectly still on earth? The same setup would accelerate at 9.8m/s2 if you tried it in zero-g.)
Thus, the physical bits that make up the ground, our bones, and everything else that makes up the planet are constantly pushing upwards with that much force all the time because of their structure. I.e. the atoms pushing against each other do the work to keep us from falling towards the center of the earth.
The amount of energy it takes to accelerate something with mass to the speed of light is infinite, that’s a core concept of relativity. Also, we know that the speed of light isn’t fast enough to move away from a black hole.
So adding all these up: for a thing to support another thing inside an event horizon, its structure would have to hold it up with infinite force (enough to make it accelerate faster than light if it was floating in space)
This is true even if the thing is only one inch, atom, electron or quark away from the center, and no matter how light it is: you need infinite energy to make it hover inside that gravity, so your supporting structure needs to be infinitely strong. Since nothing is infinitely strong, it crushes towards the center obliterating whatever is under it.”